
A simple two atoms system of N2 is shown as example. With the following code a N2 molecule is first optimized, then a frequency analysis is performed and lastly, the molecule is stretched.

from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from ase.vibrations import Vibrations
#create the structure
n2 = Atoms('N2', [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1.1)])
#define the code/metod that is responsible for the electronic structure calculation
calc = EMT()
#do a geometry optimization
#do a frequency analysis
vib = Vibrations(n2)
hessian = vib.get_vibrations()
#distort the structure and get the energy
n2l = n2.copy()
n2l.positions[1][2] = n2.positions[1][2]+0.1
n2l.calc = EMT()

from strainjedi.jedi import Jedi

j = Jedi(n2, n2l, hessian)


This will give following output

         Step     Time          Energy          fmax
BFGS:    0 09:10:42        0.440344         3.251800
BFGS:    1 09:10:42        0.264361         0.347497
BFGS:    2 09:10:42        0.262860         0.080535
BFGS:    3 09:10:42        0.262777         0.001453

*                 JEDI ANALYSIS                *
*       Judgement of Energy DIstribution       *

                  Strain Energy (kcal/mol)  Deviation (%)
      Geometries     3.95089665                  -
Red. Int. Modes      4.50191012                13.95

RIM No.       RIM type                       indices        delta_q (au) Percentage    Energy (kcal/mol)
   1       bond                                N0 N1        0.1889726    100.0        4.5019101

RIM stands for redundant internal mode, delta_q is the strain in each RIM.


generates a vmd folder with files that are VMD scripts ‘bl.vmd’, ‘all.vmd’ (, ‘ba.vmd’, ‘da.vmd’), pictures of colorbars ‘blcolorbar.png’, ‘allcolorbar.png’, …, energies calculated for each bond E_bl, E_all, …, and the xyz geometry of the strained structure xF.txt.

../_images/vmdscene.png ../_images/allcolorbar9.png