

JEDI is a tool using the ASE api. JEDI requires at least Python version 3.8. In addition, the python packages Numpy and ASE have to be installed.

Pip install

JEDI is pip installable. You can get the latest stable version through:

pip install strainjedi

Building Guide

If you want the developer’s build with latest features you can get it by following the steps below. JEDI is primarily developed on Linux systems but can also be used on Windows and Mac systems.

Update package sources, Check / install Git and Python:

First the package sources should be updated:

sudo apt update


JEDI runs with Python 3.8. Check if it is installed with

python --version

If Python 2.7 is running on your system or if Python is not installed, install with

sudo apt install python3.8

Pip and Libraries

The JEDI analysis uses the libraries ASE and NumPy. To run JEDI both these libraries need to be installed. You can use the package installer pip to do that. First, check if pip is available by running:

python -m pip --version

If pip is not already installed, then bootstrap it from the standard library:

python -m ensurepip --default-pip

After ensuring that pip is installed, ASE and NumPy can be installed via pip from PyPI using

pip install ase


pip install numpy


Git is used as version control system for JEDI. Thus it is also used to clone the JEDI source code repository from Github to a local system where JEDI should be installed.

Clone the JEDI repository

Clone the JEDI repository to your local machine with git from GitHub:

git clone

This clones the JEDI repository to a local folder jedi.

Add ~/jedi to your $PYTHONPATH environment variable (assuming ~/jedi is where your jedi folder is).